
Here we create value in our lives through each pair of hands - Yuna

Over the years, we have been searching for the gap between society and the art of handicraft with our lamps. We hope to have the ability to show more people the infinite possibilities and beauty of handicraft.

Our mission is not only to teach skills, but also to be a bridge between art and life, and the ability to achieve independence.

Crafts not only let us see the healing power but also the opportunity to have a dialogue with yourself through creation. You can have expectations about life. You can meet many people who share the same beliefs. You can gradually build up your confidence. You can cherish the preciousness of time. You can realize the true meaning of practice.


Therefore, these beautiful works are only a vehicle for me to convey my ideas and I hope that this society, full of stereotypes, will have a new perspective on the art I teach.

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