Small Soap Room Course
What exactly does the Handmade Soap Coloring Specialty Program teach?
Color is an important part of art and it's not easy to teach "color mixing" because everyone's "color sense" (i.e., how they feel about color) is different.
May 20, 2023
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Small Soap Room Course
What You'll Learn in the Handmade Soap Color Science Certificate Program
As I prepare for the arrival of my 150th student, I'd like to offer a more complete interpretation of the Handmade Soap Color Design Certificate, and to compile a list of the most common colors that have been used by students over the last year or so.
January 8, 2023
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Small Soap Room Course
Register for Class Notification System
Observing more and more students in the past few months, they will miss the enrollment time and hope to be able to wait for a replacement, but it is difficult to wait for a replacement because of the small class size.
January 7, 2023